“在美国,任何人不得因性别而被排除在外 在任何教育中被剥夺利益或受到歧视 program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止基于性别的教育歧视 programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance. 程序示例 and activities that are subject to Title IX include applicants (e.g.招生, 就业)、经济援助、学术项目、体育、住房和就业. 第九条保护学生、雇员和新兵免受各种形式的性别歧视 (e.g.,性别刻板印象,性别特征,怀孕或相关情况,性 orientation, gender identity), sex-based harassment (e.g.交换条件,恶劣的环境 性侵犯/暴力,关系暴力,跟踪)和其他形式的非骚扰 性别歧视(e).g., differential treatment, failure to provide reasonable modifications for pregnancy or related conditions, retaliation). 这些统称为第九条 禁止的行为. Tech refers to these prohibited behaviors or conduct as Sexual 不当行为或被禁止的行为. These prohibited behaviors are also considered a 违反了威尼斯人app下载适用于所有理工大学的性行为不端政策 学生和员工.
威尼斯人app下载的第九条协调员监督和监督大学的合规性 with Title IX and related laws in the prevention of sex discrimination. 这包括 教育和培训活动的协调以及对第九条的回应 complaints. Students, faculty, administrators, staff, or others who participate in 技术教育项目和活动的问题,关注,或投诉 性/性别歧视,跟踪,亲密伴侣暴力,性骚扰 或其他形式的性行为不端,鼓励联系科技的第九条协调员:
彼得·法亚博士.D. 威尼斯人app下载副主席菲德尔学生中心238 勒罗伊广场801号 Socorro, NM 87801 (575) 835-5953关. (575) 322-0001室. Email: titleixcoordinator@infopulgas.com
Dr. Phaiah可以与需要信息的学生或员工见面 关于性别歧视、第九条禁止行为和不当性行为的指导. Normal office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. but appointments also can be made outside of these hours as needed.
兰迪·萨维德拉 平权行动/平等就业机会委员会主任 & ADA合规官克莱默大厅115 勒罗伊广场801号 Socorro, NM 87801 (575) 835-5005. email: randy.saavedra@infopulgas.com 网页:grjtgd.infopulgas.com/affirmative-action
特里萨卡柏 菲德尔学生中心261 Socorro, NM 87801 电话:575-835-6209 Email: theresa.kappel@infopulgas.com有关更多信息,请参见 新墨西哥科技公司不当性行为政策 或报告不当行为事件或下文第九章违法行为的程序.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us.
Some of you may have heard about new regulations recently issued by the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR). 科技公司已经初步修改了它的 新墨西哥科技公司不当性行为政策 并遵守《威尼斯人app下载》 法案(VAWA)和适用的新墨西哥州法律. There is a need to continually to collaborate 与许多成员一起解决那些超出范围或管辖权的相关问题 但这仍然是必要的,并将由NMT性行为不端涵盖 政策和学生行为准则. 科技仍然坚定地致力于我们的工作 在预防、教育和应对性行为不端的问题和亲密关系 合作伙伴/关系暴力.
以下政策和程序规定了技术部门对性投诉的回应 不当行为和被禁止的行为:
- 不当性行为投诉流程图
性行为不端 & Title IX Resolution Procedures (Grievance Procedure)
- Guide to Conduct and Citizenship for Students (非学术政策)
- Sexual Misconduct 报告选项 and Procedures
Non-Title IX Informal Resolution Process for Student Sexual Misconduct Cases
- Non-Title IX Formal Resolution Process for Student Sexual Misconduct Cases
- Sexual Misconduct 报告选项 and Procedures (Spanish Version)
- New Mexico Definitions of Violence Against Women Act Crimes
- Employee Reporting Obligations Under Title IX 员工手册 (Appendix D: Sexual Assault Reporting Process)
- Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual Misconduct
- The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2013 (Campus SaVE)
- Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972
- Sexual Misconduct Investigative Procedures Involving Students
- Procedures to Follow if You are the Respondent/ Accused
- Annual Security and Fire 安全报告/Crime Statistics
- 性行为不当风险降低提示
- 了解你的权利:怀孕和养育——第九条保护你不受歧视 at School
Tech’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Commitment to Campus Guests
- Sanctioning Guidelines for Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Violations
- Roles and Responsibilities 提倡者/支援人员
- Pregnacy & 亲子OCR资源
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974修正案(有时被称为巴克利修正案)是一项联邦法律 保护所有在校生的教育记录的隐私 高中水平. Schools are required to maintain that privacy, primarily by restricting release of records and the access provided to those records. FERPA下, 教育记录被定义为与学生直接相关的记录 是由教育机构或机构,或由代表 机构或机构. The information may be recorded in any way, including, but 不限于:手写、印刷、电脑媒体、录像带、录音带、胶片、缩微胶片、 缩微胶卷和电子邮件.
接受政府管理的任何项目资助的任何教育机构 the U.S. Secretary of Education is bound by FERPA requirements. 机构, 不遵守FERPA的学生可能会得到教育部长的资金管理 withheld. The U.S. Department of Education maintains a website with information about FERPA.
学生可以授权第九条办公室发布他们的个人信息 records to a third party (including parents, step-parents, etc.),填妥 FERPA在线授权. Please notice, you must complete a separate entry for 每个家长,家庭成员,或其他个人谁您希望授予访问权 有关您个案的资料. 请点击 here 才能拿到释放表格. If you do not have a Tech student account, please contact titleixcoordinator@infopulgas.com 通过电子邮件获取表格.
一旦完成并提交给第九条办公室,我们将与学生联系 to confirm that the Authorization is in place.
投诉人在性别歧视/不当性行为、跟踪、 Relationship Violence, and 报复 Cases
被投诉人在性别歧视/不当性行为、跟踪、 Relationship Violence, and 报复 Cases
虽然大学鼓励有过不当性行为的个人 要做正式报告,无论当事人是否选择这样做,他们都被敦促这样做 寻求适当的帮助. There are numerous resources and interim safety measures for NMT校园内或社区或地区外部的学生和员工. 具体的资源,无论是校内还是校外的医疗,法律证据 收集,获取信息,支持,咨询,了解权利,并正式 reporting an incident of sexual misconduct are listed below:
NMT性行为不端报告选项 & Procedures——西班牙语Vesrion
- NMT警察局(NMPD或CamPo)- 911 从校园电话或者 call (575) 835-5555 从一个细胞. 电话或外线座机. CamPo is located in the Student Activities Center (SAC)
- Student Health Provider- (575) 835-5094; 1st floor Fidel; 机密报告 (提供给保密报告的信息,未经个人许可不得共享 consent)
- Counseling Services - (575) 835-6619; 1st floor Fidel; 机密报告
- 第九条协调员- (575) 835-5953 or (575) 835-5880; titleixcoordinator@infopulgas.com; 菲德尔学生中心238
- Office of AA/EEOC- (575) 835-5005; 克莱默大厅115
- 校园网(机密的员工);
Richard Sonnenfelt博士.D., richard.sonnenfeld@infopulgas.com, 575-838-7113, Workman 347, Faculty Senate Ombudsman
格洛丽亚Gutierrez-Anaya, gloria.gutierrez-anaya@nmt.ed, 575-835-6545, Macey 101, Staff Ombudsperson
- CamPo's 非紧急 phone number is x-5434 from a campus line or (575) 835-5434 从一个细胞. phone or 外线.
- 完成并提交技术在线 Title IX & 不当性行为举报表格 通过点击下面的URL或将此URL剪切并粘贴到浏览器中 http://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?NewMexicoTech&layout_id = 1. 这些报告可以匿名,但这可能会限制研究所的能力 有后续的问题和调查.
- 受害者和/或第三方也可以通过网络匿名举报 报告表格载于 NMT平权行动办公室, or the reporting hotline at (575) 835-5005.
- Socorro Police Department (SPD), ambulance, or other emergencies- 9-911 从校园电话或者 911 从一个细胞. 电话或外线.
社区资源 & Partners:
- 索科罗综合医院(SGH)-(575) 835-1140选择急诊室(ER) 记录选项
- 索科罗精神保健- (575)835-2444
- 索科罗综合医疗集团诊所- (575)838-4690,Tona Hudson (LCSW)是一名现任医生 资源为精神需求,治疗,并连接受害者与适当的资源 in the area.
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)- (505) 884-7263; Albuquerque (transportation 可通过NMTPD获取)
- Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico- (505) 266-7711 or (888) 881-8282
- 新墨西哥危机线 & 接入线- (855)662-7474
- 自杀热线和988危机热线
- New Mexico Crisis, Warm Line (Peer to Peer) – (855) 466-7100
- New Mexico Crisis, TTY Line- (855) 227-5485
- 阿尔伯克基Agora热线- (505)277-3013
- CrisisText-文本HOME到741741
- Presbyterian Medical Services- (575) 835-4444
- NMT员工助理计划(EAP):企业健康资源- (800)348-3232
- National Suicide Prevention- (800) 273-8255
Confidential Reporting Options/Resources for NMT Students:
- NMT Counseling Center: 菲德尔学生中心 Suite 151 – (575) 835-6619
- NMT Health Center: 菲德尔学生中心 Suite 151- (575) 835-5094
- 索科罗精神健康诊所: 1200美国60号公路 – (575) 835-2444
- 全国家庭暴力热线: (800) 799-7233
- 全国性侵犯热线: (800) 656-4673
- 阿尔伯克基强奸危机: 1025 Hermosa博士. 东南,Albuquerque, NM 87108 email:www.强奸危机.org – (505) 266-7711
- All of the resources listed above section (社区资源 & 合作伙伴)是保密的 大多数情况下的资源(一些涉及未成年人的报告是强制性报告).
机密报告ing Options/Resources for NMT Employees:
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Corporate Heath Resources: http://corporatehealthresources.com/ – (800)348-3232
- 索科罗精神健康诊所: 美国60号公路1200号 (575) 835-2444
- 全国家庭暴力热线: (800) 799-7233
- 全国性侵犯热线: (800) 656-4673
- 阿尔伯克基强奸危机: 1025 Hermosa博士. 东南,Albuquerque, NM 87108 email:www.强奸危机.org – (505) 266-7711
Required Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Awareness Training for New Students
Required Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Awareness Training for New Employees
为新员工提供不当性行为和第九条意识培训(西班牙语) Version)
Conducting an Informal Resolution Under Title IX/VAWA
青少年约会暴力可能导致杀人——女孩是最常见的受害者 (NPR, 2019年4月15日)
在整个生命周期中预防亲密伴侣暴力:一套技术方案, 政策和实践(CDC)
How to Fulfill Your Responsible Employee Obligations
- 2024 NMT Student Campus Climate Survey Executie Summary
- 2024 NMT Student Campus Climate Survey Questions
Please contact NMT’s 第九条协调员 at titleixcoordinator@infopulgas.com or (575) 835-5953 了解更多信息.